If you’re reading this it’s likely you’ve signed up to create your journey to being net positive for nature and climate. Well done. Everyone needs to be like you.
To get you started we thought you might appreciate some easy things you can add!

1. Government commitments – up to 950kg of carbon saved, 100m2 given back to nature
The UK government has committed to being net zero by 2050, and has signed an international commitment on nature to restore 30% of land to nature by 2030. Add this action without doing anything!
Your council is likely to have also committed to being net zero. Check out whether they have by searching your postcode on this site and then adding an action here for your council.
2. Walk and cycle short journeys, take public transport – up to 550kg of carbon saved
Most people walk or cycle a number of short journeys. You can choose a quarter, a half or three quarters of your journeys done under five miles to be walking or cycling.
Public transport is used by most for a number of journeys – log what you do here.
3. Look up the energy efficiency of your home and log relevant actions – up to 800kg of carbon saved
Look up the energy efficiency rating of your home by putting in your post code here – it will tell you how energy efficient your home is and what measures you’ve got installed. Then log the obvious actions as a result of this learn:
- Double glazing, cavity wall insulation and loft insulation – log that alongside other actions here.
- Energy performance of C, B or A? – Log that here.
4. Register dietary changes – up to 2,100kg carbon saved, and 10,000m2 of land back to nature.
If you care about the environment it’s likely you’re eating less meat and dairy – most people are. Why not log some easy changes you’ve made in that area of your life by clicking here.
5. Use 100% renewable energy – up to 100kg carbon saved
Moving energy provider is an easy thing to do, and you could be 100% renewable already. To log this action hit this link.
There are over 70 actions on the net positive life app. Remember – you don’t have to do them immediately – you can choose an action for a future year.
That way you will see your graphs coming down to the net positive line.
Good luck!

If you need any support please do email netpositivelifesupport@bettercentury.org.