How to Choose an Energy Efficient Fridge Freezer
Our fridge freezers are among the few appliances that run 24/7 and constantly consume electricity. They also tend to have a longer lifespan compared to other appliances. Therefore, it's worth investing in a more energy-efficient model to keep costs down and reduce carbon emissions. Choosing an A-rated fridge freezer over an F-rated unit can save about £640 (equivalent to 610kgCO2e) in energy bills over the 17-year lifetime of the product.
We recommend continuing to use current appliances until they reach the end of their lifespan before considering a replacement. At that point, simply select a fridge freezer with a high energy rating. They may cost more, but they will pay for themselves within a few years.
Estimated impact of actions
Cost of actions taken
Carbon saved per year (kgCO2e)
(Individual emissions saving not household)
Cost savings from actions per year
Space given back to nature (m2)
Financial benefit to the future world economy